
2024 AUSKF Membership Registration


Dear Tustin members,


Please find the attached mail from WKF Treasure.  

2024 WKF/AUSKF Membership application due date is 3/15/2023.  Please send membership fee, $95 for Adult/$55 for Children, by check or venmo(714-296-2633).


AUSKF started this year $50 for new member registration, one time, fee.


Starting next year, each individual needs to enroll the AUSKF.


The bellows are from AUSKF:

2024 Membership Registration


1. 2024 Membership fees:

Adult (18 years and over) $60

Children (17 years and under) $30

Full time students $30

One time Initiation Fee $50 (changed from the previous year)


2. 2024 WKF membership: $35 for Adult/$25 for Children/Full time students


Please feel free to ask any questions.


I will submit our Tustin application on 3/15/2024.


Thank you,


Pilsoo Kim


From: WKF Treasurer []
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2024 6:34 PM
To: PilSoo Kim; Cece Motonishi; Western Kendo Federation
Subject: 2024 AUSKF Membership Registration


2024년 회원등록을 할 시간입니다.
올해가 WKF가 단체로 등록하는 마지막 해가 될것 같습니다.
그러기위해서는   각 회원들의 이메일 주소가 정확하게 기재 되어야 한다고 합니다.
2024년 tab 옆에 기존의 회원 정보를 첨부하오니 참고하시고 2024년 spreadsheet을 작성하여 다시 3/15일까지  저에게 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다.

4월 1일이 auskf 등록 마감입니다. wkf는 3/15까지 등록 받도록 하겠습니다.
그럼 협조 부탁드립니다.






Best regards,


Cece Choi

Treasurer of Western Kendo Federation

2024 Nisei Week Tournament




Please see the attached forms for the 82nd Annual Nisei Week Tournament.


The tournament date is May 5th, 2024 and the registration deadline will be April 12th.


We look forward to seeing you there!


Thank you so much!


Francis Lee

2024 WKF Spring Referee Seminar Invitation!


각 도장 관장님 및 대표자님 귀하,


안녕하십니까.  WKF 교육부에서 안내 말씀 드립니다.  


2024년 WKF 춘계 심판 세미나가 다가오는 4월 6일(토), Buena Park, CA 에서 아래와 같이 실시 될 예정입니다. 

참가 대상은 각 도장의 1단 이상의 WKF 회원이며, 아래의 링크를 통하여 3월 31일(Sun)까지 세미나 등록을 완료하여 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.


*Registration link : 





  < 2024 WKF Spring Referee Seminar > 


Date: Saturday, April 6, 2024


Time: 2:30pm - 6:30pm(check-in starts from 2:00pm-2:30pm) 


Location: 7758 S Knott Ave, Buena Park, CA 90620 

                (Boys and Girls Club of Buena Park) 


Seminar Fee: $20 seminar fee (Please pay when you check-in) 


* Please bring Referee flag (Red and white), Kendo Uniform, Bogu set and Shinai 



자세한 내용은 이메일에 첨부 된 공문을 확인하여 주시고 본 내용을 각 도장 소속 관원 여러분들께 전달하여 주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다.

2024년 WKF 춘계 세미나와 관련하여 궁금한 사항이 있으신 분들께서는 교육부 담당자 임선미 사범에게 언제든 문의하여 주시기 바랍니다.







Sunmi Lim   

VP of Education

Western Kendo Federation


2024 WKF Spring Referees Seminar Invitation


2024 WKF Spring Referees Seminar Invitation

The 2024 WKF Spring Shinpan Seminar will be held at the Buena Park Boys and Girls Club on Saturday,
April 6th . We look forward to your active participation in this event, which aims to enhance the qualities
of referees and provide education on referee operations based on the FIK standards and guidelines.
< 2024 WKF Spring Shinpan Seminar >
Date : April 6th

2024, Saturday
Time : 2:00pm – 2:30pm(Registration)
2:30pm – 6:30pm(Seminar)
Location : Boys and Girls Club of Buena Park
(7758 S Knott Ave, Buena Park, CA 90620)
Registration Fee : $20 (Payable at the Seminar)
Registration Deadline : 3 / 3 1 / 2 0 2 4
Registration link :
Starting from 2024, applicants applying for 2 Dan- 6 Dan Promotion Exam must attend a Referees seminar
at least once per year.
These requirements also apply to the high rank (Kodansha) AUSKF Promotion Examinations. Please be
informed of these requirements to avoid any issues with the upcoming promotion examinations.
Please refer to the attached file for further details.
1. 2 Dan applicants must attend 1 seminars within 1-year period (Spring or/and Fall)
2. 3 Dan applicants must attend 2 seminars within 2-year period (Spring or/and Fall)
3. 4 Dan applicants must attend 3 seminars within 3-year period (Spring or/and Fall)
4. 5 Dan applicants must attend 4 seminars within 4-year period (Spring or/and Fall)
5. 6 Dan applicants must attend 5 seminars within 5-year period (Spring or/and Fall)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and participation. See you at the seminar!
Sunmi Lim
VP of Education
Western Kendo Federation



각 도장 관장님 및 대표자님 귀하,


2024 AUSKF JUNIOR KENDO CHAMPIONSHIP 대회가 5월 25 일 - 5월26일 이렇게 이틀간 행사가 진행될 예정입니다. 

우리 WKF 학생들이 매주 열심히 훈련에 임하고 있습니다. 각 도장 관장님님 대표자님께서 많은 관심과 응원 부탁 드립니다. 


이번 시합을 서부 쪽에서 진행 하기에 WKF,SCKO,SCKF 가 함께 발렌티어로 봉사 하게 되었습니다. 

우리 WKF 에서 최소 25명의 발렌티어가 필요 하기에 각도장에서 발레티어로 수고해 주실 분들을 최대한 빨리 알려 주시면 감사하겠습니다. ( 아래 첨부된 엑셀 파일의 정보를 꼭 기재 부탁 드립니다. ) 


또한, 이번 시합의 심판 신청을 받고 있습니다. 우리 WKF 사범님들께서 많은 신청과 참여 부탁 드립니다. 심판 신청은 아래 내용에 따라 각자 신청 하시기 바랍니다. 


·Shinpan Registration: Eligible 4-Dan and above interested in volunteering to shinpan at the Junior Open National Championships should register directly via the Google Form linked below by April 19, 2024. Shinpan will be selected on a rolling basis to allow them time to plan any potential necessary travel. Shinpan traveling outside of the Southern California region are eligible for up to $500 stipend to cover travel and lodging.
Google Form Link: 







Best regards,


Kenneth Song



Western Kendo Federation

6355 S Riley Street, Apt438 Las Vegas, Nevada 89148


t.702-426-0288  |

One attachment • Scanned by Gmail


심판 강습회 의무화 시행 규칙


심판 강습회 의무화 시행 규칙

1. 개요
2. 방법
3. WKF 심판 강습회 관리
4. 적용 대상
5. 승단 심사 신청 규제 시행 규칙
1. - 개요 –
WKF 춘계/추계 시합 과 ENGO 시합 안에서 우리 WKF 심판 사범들의 심판 능력에 대하
여, 지적 사항이 많은 나오고 있고 협회의 자체 심판 강습회가 필요 하다고 느낀 WKF 이
사들의 의견을 취합하였습니다. 그리고, 2018년 부터 매년 2번의 WKF 심판 강습회를 진
행 하고있으나, 참여도가 매우 저조 한 것에 대한 문제 점을 보완 하고자 이번 WKF 심판
강습회 관련 규정을 준비 하게 되었습니다. WKF 자체 심판 강습회를 통하여, 심판 능력 향상
과 심판에 대한 정확한 이해 와 규칙을 숙지 하는데 목표를 가지고 있습으며, 크게 는
AUSKF 에 주최 하는 시합에 WKF 사범들이 심판으로 참여 하여 좋은 실력의 심판 모 습을
보여준다면 WKF 협회 발전에 크게 기여 할 수 있을 것 같습니다.
또한, 심판 강습회에 참여에 활성화를 위해서 승단 심사 신청에 제한을 두는 방침을 생각
2. – 방법 –
WKF 심판 강습회를 매년 전반기/후반기 로 나눠서 진행 한다. 전반기( 2월 or 3월 ) 에
WKF 전반기 심판 강습회를 진행 하며, 매년 4월 WKF 춘계대회 전에 강습회를 가지므로
서, WKF 시합에서 조금더 원활하고, 안정된 시합 심판을 볼 수 있을거라 기대 된다. 전반
기 심판 강습회는 WKF 협회 Education 부서와 협회 회장님 이 의논 하여 강사를 지정
또는 초청 하여 진행 한다. 후반기 ( 8월 or 9월 ) 에 WKF 후반기 심판 강습회를 진행 하며,
매년 10월 WKF 추계대회 전에 강습회를 가지므로서, WKF 시합에서 원활 하고, 안 정된 시합
심판을 볼 수 있을 것 을 기대 한다. 후반기 심판 강습회는 WKF Education 부 서와 협회
회장님 이 의논하여 강사를 지정 또는 초청 하여 강습회를 진행 하도록 한다.
3. – WKF 심판 강습회 관리 –

현재 WKF 홈페이지 및 WKF Facebook 그리고, WKF 협회 이사님들 및 각 도장 에 E-Mail
을 통하여 매년 실시 하는 심판 강습회 일정을 공지하고, 심판 강습회가 끝난 후 홈페이
지 및 WKF Facebook 그리고 각도장에 심판 강습회 참여한 사람 과 수료 번호를 을 공지 한다.
Education 부서는 이렇게 참여한 인원들의 기록을 정리/보관하여 강습회 참석 횟수 를
근거하여 앞으로 WKF 심사 및 AUSKF의 심사 자격을 정할 수 있다고 생각 한다.
4. - 적용 대상 –
1) 적용 대상은 초단 (1Dan ) 부터 6단 (6Dan ) 까지 적용 한다. 단, 18세 이하의 학생
과 대학생은 적용대상에서 제외한다.
5. - 승단 심사 규제 시행 규칙 –
1) 매년 실시 하는 WKF 심판 강습회에 협회 초단(1Dan )자는 의무적으로 1회 이상 심판
강습회를 참석 하여야 한다. ( 초단<1Dan> 승단후 1년의 시간이 걸리는데 총 2회중
에 1회 이상은 심판 세미나에 참석 해야 2Dan 심사를 볼수 있는 자격이 주어 진다. )
2) 매년 실시 하는 WKF 심판 강습회에 협회 2단 (2Dan) 자는 의무적으로 년 1회 이상
심판 강습회를 참석 하여야 한다. ( 2Dan 승단후 2년의 시간이 걸리는데 총 4회중에 2회
이상은 심판 세미나에 참석 해야 3Dan 심사를 볼수 있는 자격이 주어 진다. )
3) 매년 실시 하는 WKF 심판 강습회에 협회 3단 (3Dan) 자는 의무적으로 년 1회 이상
심판 강습회를 참석 하여야 한다. ( 3Dan 승단후 3년의 시간이 걸리는데 총 6회중에 3회
이상은 심판 세미나에 참석 해야 4Dan 심사를 볼수 있는 자격이 주어 진다. )
4) 매년 실시 하는 WKF 심판 강습회에 협회 4단 (4Dan) 자는 의무적으로 년 1회 이상
심판 강습회와 WKF 시합에 심판으로 참석 하여야 한다. ( 4Dan 승단후 4년의 시간이
걸리는데 총 8회중에4회 이상은 심판 세미나와 심판으로 참석 해야 5Dan 심사를 볼
수 있는 자격이 주어 진다. )
5) 매년 실시 하는 WKF 심판 강습회에 협회 5단 (5Dan) 자는 의무적으로 년 1회 이상
심판 강습회와 WKF 시합에 심판으로 참석 하여야 한다. ( 5Dan 승단후 5년의 시간이
걸리는데 총 10회중에5회 이상은 심판 세미나와 심판으로 참석 해야 6Dan 심사를 볼 수
있는 자격이 주어 진다. )
6) 매년 실시 하는 WKF 심판 강습회에 협회 6단 (6Dan) 자는 의무적으로 년 1회 이상
심판 강습회와 WKF 시합에 심판으로 참석 하여야 한다. ( 6Dan 승단후 6년의 시간이
걸리는데 총 12회중에6회 이상은 심판 세미나와 심판으로 참석 해야 7Dan 심사를
볼수 있는 자격이 주어 진다. * “ 6Dan 이상자는 심판세미나 강사로 참여 하는 것도
참석으로 간주 한다” )
7) 초단 (1Dan) 이상의 유단자는 위와 같이 규정된 WKF 강습회의 참석 횟수가 부족하면
WKF의 협회 규정에 의거하여, 승단 심사 응시 자격을 제한한다.

8) 4단, 5단, 6단 의 유단자는 위와 같이 규정된 WKF 강습회를 참석 하지 않을 경우,
WKF 춘계,추계 그리고 ENGO 시합의 심판 자격을 제한 할 수 있다.
9) 2단이상의 WKF 및 AUSKF의 승단심사를 신청하고자 하는 자는 WKF가 주최하는
심판세미나를 승단신청 전년도 2회중 최소 1회이상 반드시 참석, 이수하여야 한다.
이규정은 2024년 하반기부터 시행, 적용하도록 한다.
• 현재 AUSKF 의 5단 이상 심사 응시자의 규정에도 AUSKF 에서 추최하는 심판 세미나
및 각종 세미나에 몇회 이상 참석 하지 않은 사람은 심사 응시에 제한을 두고

2021 WKF Year End Kendo Championship

2021 WKF Year End Kendo Championship Date: 10/31/2021 Check-in Time: 8:00 AM (All players) Location: Burbank High School (It is a different place from the one held in our previous tournament.) Address: 902 N 3rd St, Burbank, CA 91502 We will provide the QR code for your bracket at the tournament. Please scan the QR on your mobile device and check your division and bracket. ** Participants, 12 years old and over, must submit COVID-19 Vaccination records(or 72 hour COVID test result). California residents and individuals who were vaccinated in California can submit the Vaccine QR Code obtained through the link provided below. Please submit the vaccination records at the check-in prior to the championship. Also, participants can provide copies or original vaccination records at the check-in. Participants residing outside of California can submit vaccination records from the residing states or local authorities. POP UP EVENT!!! (Halloween Mask Photo Contest) All participants can join this event. Please make your own Halloween mask with makers or something else and wear it and take a photo. You need to upload your Halloween photo to the WKF website. Click the pumpkin 2021 Halloween Photo Contest and upload your photo. (Take💌 a photo with your name tag) Prize: $100 Amazon Gift Card(1st place), $50 Amazon Gift Card(Two 2nd place)


이번 에 WKF EDUCATION에서 우리 협회 멤버들을 위하여 ZOOM KENDO SEMINAR을 준비 하였습니다. 지난 2020년 부터 시작된 코로나 펜데믹으로 인하여 많은 분들이 함께 교검지애를 못 하고 있는 상황입니다. 그렇기에 이번에 WKF EDUCATION에서 검도의 예절 과 기본, 호구 착용법 및 기술 그리고, 심판법에 대한 세미나를 총 4주에 걸쳐 준비 하였습니다. WKF 모든 멤버들(학생,성인)께서 참석 하실 수 있으며, 많은 참여 부탁드리겠습니다. 첨부된 공지를 참조해 주시면 감사하겠습니다. WKF Zoom Kendo Seminar 은 실시간 중계로 다음과 같은 일정으로 진행됩니다. Please use the following link for Zoom access to the seminars: Topic: 2021 WKF Kendo Seminar Time: Apr 3, 2021 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Every week on Sat, until Apr 24, 2021, 4 occurrence(s) Apr 3, 2021 04:00 PM Apr 10, 2021 04:00 PM Apr 17, 2021 04:00 PM Apr 24, 2021 04:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 890 6887 1812 Passcode: 429181 *Seminar 참여는 심사 조건과 WKF Eagle Program에 반영되오니 많은 참석 부탁드리겠습니다. 참여시 꼭 본인 이름을 확인하여 주시기 바랍니다. WKF Eagle Program application 은 다른 이메일로 발송되니 학생들의 참여 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

중앙일보 기사(고수를 찾아서1)

24년 베테랑…한인 형사 최고위 박사 과정중 경찰 입문한 엘리트 3개 국어 능통 첫 한인 살인과 형사 검도 5단 합해 ‘무술 10단 고수’ 타운내 ‘조천관’서 자원봉사 지도 출근시 설렘이 없다면 은퇴할 때 “고수란 문제 해결하는 지도자” 대한무도 조천관 수석부관장 조지 리사범

Tustin schedule for rest of Dec. 2019 and Jan. 2020

Dear Tustin members, 12/7 (Sat) – 7 PM regular practice, 12/12 (Thu) – 7 PM regular practice, Keup (급) 심사 promotion exam up to 2 급, please let Master Cece know, 12/14 (Sat) – 7 PM regular practice, 12/19 (Thu) – 6:30 PM – 8:15 PM, We will have Tustin Year End Get Together at Tustin Brewery (13011 Newport Avenue, Suite 100 Tustin, California 92780) after practice. Tustin Brewery is family restaurant, kids are OK to dine. Please RSVP for ‘number of people will attend’ to, we need to reserve our seats, 12/21 (Sat) – 7 PM (Last Practice of 2019), 1/4/2020 (Sat) – First Practice of 2020). Thank you,

2018 Annual Memorial Day Kendo Team Tournament Invitation

2018 Annual Memorial Day Kendo Team Tournament 1. Date: Sunday, May 27th, 2018 (Memorial Weekend Sunday) 2. Location: Cabrillo High School: 2001 Santa Fe Ave, Long Beach, CA 90810 3. Roll Call: On the tournament date, registration will take place from 8:15am to 8:30 am. 4. Eligibility: Must be a Valid AUSKF Member 5. Event: TEAM TOURNAMENT (three players per team) with the following divisions: ● 12 years and under Kids Division ● Adult Kyu Division (19 years old and up) ● 13-15 years-old Youth Division ● 1st - 4th Dan Division, Over 40 Years Old ● 16-18 years-old Sr. Youth Division ● Yudansha Division 6. Fees: (non-refundable) 18 years and under $15.00 per person 19 years and up $20.00 per person Bento (Lunch box): $10.00 per person Note: 1) Bento will be provided for all Shinpans at no charge 2) Maximum of 5 full-day volunteers per dojo will be provided with Bento at no charge 7. Registration Form and Fees Deadline: Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

The 2018 ENGO Scholarship Junior Kendo Championship

 Date and Time: Sunday, June 24th, 2018 (Gym Open 7:00 AM, Registration 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM)  Place: John Burroughs High School, Gymnasium (Building 5) 1920 W Clark Ave, Burbank, CA 91506  This championship will be open to all Kendo Students 18-years old and younger regardless of rank.  The aggregate Scholarship amount is $10,000.  The trophies and award certificates will be presented in addition to the scholarships.  Each participant will receive a Championship souvenir.  Entree Fee: $20 Lunch Box: $10 (In order to receive a lunch box, participants must pre-order their lunches. Drinks are included. Complimentary lunch boxes will be provided to Shimpans (Referees).)

2018 Annual Memorial Day Kendo Team Tournament Invitation

2018 Annual Memorial Day Kendo Team Tournament 1. Date: Sunday, May 27th, 2018 (Memorial Weekend Sunday) 2. Location: Cabrillo High School: 2001 Santa Fe Ave, Long Beach, CA 90810 3. Roll Call: On the tournament date, registration will take place from 8:15am to 8:30 am. 4. Eligibility: Must be a Valid AUSKF Member 5. Event: TEAM TOURNAMENT (three players per team) with the following divisions: ● 12 years and under Kids Division ● Adult Kyu Division (19 years old and up) ● 13-15 years-old Youth Division ● 1st - 4th Dan Division, Over 40 Years Old ● 16-18 years-old Sr. Youth Division ● Yudansha Division 6. Fees: (non-refundable) 18 years and under $15.00 per person 19 years and up $20.00 per person Bento (Lunch box): $10.00 per person Note: 1) Bento will be provided for all Shinpans at no charge 2) Maximum of 5 full-day volunteers per dojo will be provided with Bento at no charge 7. Registration Form and Fees Deadline: Tuesday, May 15th, 2018


We are pleased to announce that WKF’s 2017 Spring Championship will be held as follows: Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017 Roll Call : 8:30 A.M. Place: La Canada High School South Gym 4463 Oak Grove Dr, La Cañada Flintridge, CA 91011 Eligibility: All AUSKF members with liability waiver forms Event: Individual and team matches Fee: $20 per participant Deadline: April 15, 2017 (Saturday) (Please remind that it is very important to keep this dead line. Late registration or change is not accepted. Check must be postmarked by this date) Email this registration form to: Email:, Warren Kim (Tournament Chair) Checks payable to: Western Kendo Federation Mailing address for application and fee ( One per dojo ) : Pilsoo Kim (WKF) 4540 Campus Drive #123, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Shinpan Qualifications 3 Dan and above. (3 Dan can serve as a shinpan. Shinpan seminar on 4/22/17 at Ildo Dojang 6:30PM - 8:30PM. Please encourage all 3 Dan members to attend ) Divisions 1. 10 and under, 2. Age 11-12, 3. Age 13-15, 4. Age 16-18, 5. Age 19 and over (keup / kyu only), 6. Women (could be divided depending on numbers of applicants), 7. Age 50 and over, 8. 1-3 Dan, 9. 4 Dan and over, 10. Team Best 5 ( one team per dojo).

2018 Spring WKF Referee Seminar

The 2018 WKF Referee Seminar Seminar Information March 25, 2018 La Canada High School,South Gym 4463 Oak Grove Dr, La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM OPEN 09:00AM

2018 AUSKF and WKF annual fee due

The annual registration fee for AUSKF and WKF are due on 3/31/2018 The fee details are as below. $95 -->AUSKF $60 WKF $35 for 18 & over (adult) $55 -->AUSKF $30 WKF $25 for 17 & under $65 -->AUSKF $30 WKF $35 for 18 & over, full time student Additional $10 if new member. Please provide the the names, birth date, and rank in excel form to Cece Choi Thanks!

Congratulations Daniel and Branden

Congratulations Daniel (1st Place Individual 1 – 3 Dan) and Branden (1st Place 3 Men Team Match) at French Kendo Open this weekend (2/10/2018 and 2/11/2018)! Thank you for their dedication towards US Team and WKF.

2017 AUSKF Summer Camp

Dear AUSKF Federation Presidents and Supporters: Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm for all of our AUSKF Education events. We are receiving great feedback and hope to continue to create programs that are aimed at various sectors of our kendo population in the US. In furtherance of this goal, we are so excited to announce that the 2017 AUSKF Summer Camp will be held in Ann Arbor, Michigan on August 4th (Friday) through August 6th (Sunday). We will have an exciting program and are expecting special guest senseis to join this camp, whom we will announce soon.
 Details regarding this event and the online registration form can be found here: We have secured a special “Kendo Summer Camp” rate for a limited number of hotel rooms, as explained in further detail at the link above. We expect a great turnout and look forward to having many US kenshi participate, so please sign up now!! Thank you all for your continued participation in our programs, and your continued support of kendo in the United States. Regards, Chris Yang
 AUSKF Education

AUSKF Summer Camp in August 2016

Dear AUSKF Federation Presidents and Supporters: We are excited to announce that the 2016 AUSKF Summer Camp will be held in Northern California on August 19th (Friday) through August 21st (Sunday). We will have an exciting program and are expecting special guest senseis to join this camp, whom we will announce soon. Details regarding this event can be found below. We expect a great turnout and look forward to having many US kenshi participate in our annual camp. Thank you all for your continued participation in our programs, and your continued support of kendo in the United States. Regards, Chris Yang AUSKF Education -------------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS To register for this event, fill out the online form at the bottom of this page and send check or cash payment to the parties listed below. For those interested in attending the Summer Camp ONLY, mark “Camp Only” in the “Participation” field. You will receive a confirmation email upon submission of your registration (EXTENDED LAST CHANCE registration due is July 17th). Mail cash or one (1) check made out to “All United States Kendo Federation” to the below address to complete your registration. For those interested in taking the AUSKF Kodansha Promotional Exam AND/OR Participating in the Summer Camp, mark “Camp and Promotional Exam Both” or “Promotional Exam Only.” You will be sent a promotional exam application within 24 hours of your submission of the online form below. Please follow all instructions listed on the application and mail along with cash or check made out to “All United States Kendo Federation” to the below address (Deadline to submit this application is July 17th). For those interested in attending the Sayonara Party, the $40 fee MUST be paid at the time of registration. Payment should be mailed to the below address with the Summer Camp registration. Late registration/payment for the Sayonara party will not be accepted. Mail All Camp Fees ($100 Registration and $40 Sayonara Party ONLY): Minoru Segawa c/o Lucky Craft Inc. 380 Clinton St. Costa Mesa CA 92626 DEADLINE: EXTENDED THROUGH JULY 17th – CLOSED Mail All Promotional Exam Registration Forms and Fees ONLY: Shinobu Maeda 2035 Golden Meadow Way Bartow, FL 33830 DEADLINE: JULY 17th – CLOSED Eligibility All AUSKF Members 18 years of age or older at the time of the event. Instructors from Japan Toru Kamei Sensei (Hanshi 8 Dan – Kumamoto Pref.) Toshiya Ishida Sensei (Kyoshi 8 Dan – Tokyo Pref.) Location STANFORD UNIVERSITY (San Diego Room @ Ford Center) 615 Serra St. Stanford, CA 94305 Dates/Times Friday, August 19th 2:30 PM-3:00 PM: Registration 3:00 PM-6:30 PM: Seminar Saturday, August 20th 9:00 AM-9:30 AM: Registration 9:30 AM-4:00 PM: Seminar 7:00 PM-10:00 PM: Sayonara Party 12:30 PM-1:00 PM: Promotion Exam Registration (Held at same location as Summer Camp) Sunday, August 21st 9:30 AM-12:00 PM: Seminar 1:00 PM-4:00 PM: Promotion Exams Transportation & Parking at Campus PARTICIPANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THEIR OWN TRANSPORTATION. Suggested On-Campus Parking: PARKING STRUCTURE #7 ( *On Friday, visitors must pay for parking until 4pm (fee can be paid at vending machines at parking areas. After 4pm and on weekends, parking is free. Camp Coordinator: Hiroshi Ichimura (510) 861-5658 Official Hotel Crowne Plaza Palo Alto, 4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Group Rates available via phone (888-422-2264) with Group Code “NCK”: -One King Size Bed Non Smoking : $109/night plus tax -Two Queen Size Bed Non Smoking : $119/night plus tax -Triple Queen Size Bed Non Smking : $129/night plus tax -Quadruple Queen Size Bed Non Smoking : $139/night plus tax Reservations can also be made at the following link: us/en/palo-alto/sfoca/hoteldetail? RESERVATION DEADLINE: July 10th, 2016 Sayonara Party Bay Cafe Restaurants and Banquets 1875 Embarcadero Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 Saturday, August 20th (7pm-10pm) $40 per person Lunch Lunch will be provided for Saturday and Sunday of the camp. Please email us at if you would not like to receive a lunch (camp fee will remain the same). Camp Fees and Deadlines LATE REGISTRATION Camp Fee $100 – DUE JULY 17TH Saturday Banquet $40 – DUE JULY 17TH *see mailing address above Promotion Exam (Refer to application for fees) – DUE JULY 17TH

© 2025 - Western Kendo Federation / 서부 검도 연맹